Importance of Wing Chun ‘Wooden’ Dummies

Wing Chun is a South- China Kung Fu traditional style. It is in a short range fight of distance. It is in some sense a Soft school of martial arts. This origin of this Wing Chun is China. The main focus of Wing Chun is Tapping and striking.It is learn with the help of Wooden Dummies.

The masters only teach this Wing Chun, so there is no guide to learn it. In this training, Wing Chun equipments are wooden dummies, Wall bags, long poles, butterfly swords, Dit Da Jow, Spring Arm and Chi Sao Dummies, training rings, iron palm, and stance training. 

The most famous of all the Wing Chun training equipments are the Wooden Dummy. It plays a crucial role in the entire training system. Let us know about wooden dummies and how it is used for learning the technique. These wooden dummies help to teach all the basic principles behind every move. 
Wooden dummy is the traditional training device of Wing Chun. Wooden dummies are also known as Wing Tsun Mook Jong. Wing Chung wooden dummies seem to be like wood furniture. It helps to make the art more famous. It is used in the place of training partner for the development of accuracy or the exactness, power. A wooden dummy plays a serious practitioner for anyone who is going to learn Wing Chun. There have been more trails to improve it and to modify the wooden dummy. It is to make alive, so that the training will be more realistic and attractive. 

A wooden dummy is a practitioner tool for all the martial arts like Hung Gar Kuen, Bak Mei, and Ba Gua Zhang. The main advantage of the wooden dummy is that the Wing Chun system’s attacks or defense movements can be practiced on it. It allows the student an opportunity to use his full strength to strike and also toughens the bones, legs, arms, and tissues. It helps to develop the skills as there is a springiness substance in the wooden dummy. 


There are many things which can be improved by learning Wing Chun with Wooden Dummies. They are:


Harder wood:

Wooden dummies are made from various hardwoods like Teak wood, Sandalwood, Chinese Fur, and rosewood. This is the only thing used in making wooden dummies because the harder wood lasts longer and it might last for generations. These types of wood affect the durability of the dummy. 

These dummies are easily available on the web .So you can check different online stores and buy the best one .But you need to find the genuine and original one so that you get the training with it easily .


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