Wing Chun Dummy the Perfect Practice Partner

Wing Chun is a form of a Chinese martial art. This is like a form of self-defense which generally makes use of both the grappling as well as striking when it focuses in close range combat. This type of martial arts was mainly passed on down from the teacher to the teacher through the means of oral communication. Now if you wish to train for wing Chun then you must use the Wing Chun wooden dummy. But before we get into the fundamentals of the actual training, knowing a little bit about the history is also vital. If you wish to practice Wing Chun, you must know that having a Wing Chun dummy is vital because it’s very hard to practice this type martial art on your own d9ffrent training dummy or a "mook jong," it certainly solves that difficulty and it helps a lot. Now here’re the three top reasons why you must’ve your own practice wooden dummy! Distance Training You get to train your range so you know the distance between your opponent and the strike. Having the a...