
Showing posts from August, 2020

Three Reasons You Need a Wing Chun Practice Dummy

If you learn Wing Chun, you must know the benefits of having a Wing Chun dummy. These wooden dummies are very important as it is complicated to practice this form of martial art on a real human being. If you already don't have one you can buy it from also below mentioned are the three main reasons to have a Wing Chun wooden dummy . Reasons to have dummy are: Distance Training - Wing Chun wooden dummy helps you to practice your range, so you comprehend the distance between your movement and the opponent. Knowing the right distance is essential because the power you use to strike doesn't matter if you cannot reach the target. All-Around Training - With a wooden dummy you also get to practice the mook jong form. Also because there is springiness in the dummy it response automatically likes a human that helps to develop your skills. Being Independent - Last but not the least and the most important reason to get your own Wing Chun...